There is very little time to do things that you really want to do when theres so many things that you" have"to do.How do you manage time ? Things that you have to do ( responsiblities) usually takes most of your time-work,family and social responsiblities and leaves u with very little time for things that you realy want to do-read,exercise,write,travel,play games-soccer,golf etc.
Is it bad time management if you seem to always have no time ? Or is it a result of modern day living-everything is so fast so demanding ? The more efficient you become the more you are required to do. ven after carrying out all your responsiblities and say you want to read a book,theres so many topics and genres that interest me that i dont know where to start ! That i end up not reading and doing something else like - writing well not that its bad,but i feel that so many2 things that i want to do but its not done.
Tommorrow is fully pack with work from morning untill night and the balance of today is so very precious,but ive still got some responsiblities to carry out (visit my Mom in law ). And of couse its Syaaban and therefore i should spend more time at the surau for solat jemaah. Infact because of all these worldly responsibilities and my own lack of will i have not been going tothe Surau for berjemaah regularly.
i see my mom and dad at least once a week-but when im there i feel sad for them because they wish that their children will spend more time with them.but their children have all grown up and have their own family and life and this cycle is happening to me too...
My own children are growing up fast too,i have five and three have started having their own life too-meaning away from home. it seems only yesterday that they were my little babies. i guess my parents feel the same way,although im going to be 50 soon and they are in their eighties.To my parents all their children are still their babies and they expect us to be around as much as possible.
time...theres just not enough
things that are killing them
15 years ago