Friday, February 20, 2009

A tribute to Achik

Its been a very eventful year so far to say the least. My auntie pass away about two weeks ago,she was suffering from lukemia for the pass two years. The battle against the white blood cells finally took the its toll against her. She was my father's youngest and only sister ( she was adopted as a baby from a chinese family who were running away from the communist 66 years ago) and is very dear to the family. I have always call her Achik ( mak cik kecik-the youngest ) and the younger ones,including my children, call her Opah Cik. She has four daughters and the eldest is also adopted. When i was young,i used to stay with my grandparents in kampong ( Bota Kanan,Perak) and interacted alot with Acik and her husband ( Tok Umar ),although an uncle by rank through the marriage with Acik,had the status of Tok as he is the rank of cousin with my grandad,but not really a cousin ! People of that generation are very close to each other and are somehow related to one another,that is another story,to be told and behold...
What i remember most about my Acik was that she call my Tok Umar-"D",short for darling ! I didnt know then,and wondered why,later when i knew i thot its so sweet. I guess it was scandalous to be calling your husband darling at that time...
They were loving and spend lots of time together for they did not have a child for a long2 time,of course after they adopted one,the next three followed very quickly. I think the reward of adopting a child was rewarded instantly by Allah swt. Since my dad and his eldest brother had already migrated to KL in the early 60's,my Achik had to also take care of my Grandparents. So whenever i balik kampong,she was always around as well. She would always would cook gulai tempoyak for us,(my favourite-with ikan keli) with sambal buah quinin (sp) and of course despite this very kampond dish would make excellent tea and the best kopi o in town...theres more to tell.
Anyway,i miss her and pray that Allah swt will place her among the soilihin.Ameen,


emilalala said...


awwww! D...!! tht is so sweet! D seems a lot more macho than B(what a lot of ppl this generation are calling their other 1/2) pulak tu. kn pa..? =D

ynnajiga said...

hey! mengutuk orang rupanya! I think B is way better than abanglah, or calling your spouse papa, mama, or the like mcm panggil your own parents ish ish ish. but yes d is sweet. ;-p

emilalala said...

hoi2. ynna bukan H ke...??? heheheh. H is super macho lah! =D but yes2 waaaayyy better than all of the above tu.