Friday, March 30, 2007

Hey i now know how to post pictures ...enjoy this one...its found near my kampong in Perak. The idea is to get people to close the gate on the way down to the river as to stop cows and goats and small children from getting into the river/grazing area/kampong or the other way around ! i Think...!

soccer and life...

Its Friday today and i nearly miss friday prayers as i dont feel well-body aches all over especially my back,could be the result of the recent travelling,sleeping in unfamiliar places and change of routine. Arrived very early in the morning but did not manage to to go to the office as i really wanted to see Imraan play soccer,and play he did ! Unfortunately for him his school team lost 1-0 for the zone finals,but they should not be dishearthen(sp) as i thought that they played well compared to last year. They are learning the proper way of passing,stopping and controlling the ball. I feel for those kids and can feel their disappoinment but they should learn to accept defeat as part and parcel of life n they did win their group games and the semi-finals. I hope i can continue to be part of their setup without upsetting their actual coach-whose intentions are noble but whose methods are questionable. He treats them too harshly i think and the kids becomes confused and loses confidence,his method is more suitable for full time footballers not 12 year olds. ive tried to hint to him but its not easy when someone is used to doing things the same way. Last year the team did not win a single game ! This year they have won 5 and loss only in the finals that is almost a complete turn around for a team that got beaten more than 3 goals per game last year.
Anyway when we presented our project yesterday the architect was very serious but at the end of the presentation he made an excellent exit with a touch of humour ! The stadium scoreboard showed "Kelantan 3 Chelsea 0"! I thought it was an excellent idea fron his side and actually set the tone for a more friendly discussion. So the lesson in a presentation is to create a situation where everyone is at ease and have a common ground for agreement at least in some areas. Actually would love to write more about the project but its still too early and somethings are kind of sensitive so...maybe latter.
I need a break, too much work and its taking its toll on my body and even my spritual side-going less to the surau and concentration level going down. Actually prayers is good and acts a break to the the daily hecticness (sp) and craziness that we have to face daily but sometimes the worldly matters becomes so overwhelming that your mind and thoughts becomes so conflicting because you spend time in the presence of people whose thoughts are almost 100% work and how to make more money. So the crowd you mix with do influence your state of being,thus being in the surau and being with people whose love for God occupies their mind makes you feel calm and serene as well. So whats the right mix ? Your iman must be strong and you must not forget your creator and thats the question that all of us must answer-to find the right mix for success in this world and the hereafter ! God knows best.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Its 5.10pm and Im writing from my office desk,have been around the last few days it started with a trip to Kelantan on Thursday,Friday was in Pontian, Johor n was on the way to Penang and Alor Star on Saturday and was working Sunday in Alor Star !! Dont even know or was not sure what day today is ! Visited several interesting sites today and of course to my fav site. Sometimes I think being on the net and visiting blogs can be very addictive,your mind is contantly travelling and you dont really want to stop,theres so much to see and do and read that you dont feel like stopping...but reality check-theres a thousand and one things to do and responsiblities that has to be carried out.
But i need to discuss on "managing people" because lately im having problems managing my staff. They seem not to understand what Im trying to convey to them because the end result is always different from what i have instructed to them earlier. Maybe its a communication problem,we dont speak the "same" language ? I think in English and talk to myself in English even my prayers are in English ! i feel that im more true when i speak a language that im comfortable with. When they dont undertsand me its difficult to progress at the speed that is required because doing things fast and accurately is important in the consultancy line. Ive always sat down wth them and explain and guide them but still the end results have been less than satisfactory. Its more than just a language and communication problem,its got to do with attitude as well, its a complex subject n i actually would like to discuss it more detail but maybe next time...
I would like to explore a lil more about blogging as well, as i feel i dont really understand all the "intracacies" (sp) involved.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

grammar,spelling, definitely not my forte ! Please read in between the lines ,is that the right phrase ? Basically what i mean is ignore these things ie grammar etc but get the story,the message...haiya...

Feeling spritual today and manage to read the best book in the whole world/universe today ! Its not written by mankind and its message is however for all creation until the end of time. Its really amazing that i have finish reading this book about five times and yet i discover new things in it all the time. Its truly a miracle. Im determine to finish reading the book at least once a year this time around however it is taking longer than usual as i wanted to finish it in the holy month of Ramadhan !. No worries though, like everything that happens in this world,it happens for a reason-which sometimes we can understand but sometimes it takes a while to make sense.Its however important not to lose sight of our ultimate goal-ie to understand the reason why we are here so that we will absolutely submit "our all" to our maker. Sounds simplekan.
But in its simplicity lies the problem,because of man's ego his pride and desires ( which is a neccessity for the survival of his species-in the right dose i.e) he loses to the ultimate whisperer. The test that we go through is not in the scale of the Moses or Abraham but its there all the time. Think about the moments in your day before you sleep and you will realise the extent of your success or failure. Its Azan,do you go straight to do your prayers or do u wait a while n then miss your prayers completely because of work-so which is more important work or your creator...

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

one of the practical trainee in my office came to me and ask why do i like to scream ! i was caught by surprise by this question. No one have actually dared to ask me this question before and here was this nineteen year old asking me,well i was trying to explain to her that i m very passionate abt my work that when things dont turn out right i get very upset not at anyone in particular just at "everything" ! I know it sounds very immature but its the way im used to doing things. i admit its not the best nor right way of doing things but im trying to be less of a screamer when it comes to work. The truth is im actually tired of work,work, my age theres many other things that i rather do but we all have to make a living right ? Maybe its the nature of the Industry that im involved as well, clients dont want "replacement" they want me to appear for presentations,meetings etc so im left with very little time to go through what my staff has done and therefore risk giving substandard work to my when substandard work reaches my table thats when the screaming begins. But Im learning to slowdown be a lil more relax...
Its kinda of late for me to be still in the office but ive just finish reading a friends blog and i must say that this friend is an extremely entertaining writer. Reading her stories makes me realise that a good writer has the ability to make the reader feel/experience the same emotions that the writer is/has gone thru or wants the reader to experience. i feel that im no where near the standards that this friend has reached, although i know that the ability to write is a talent that not everyone possess. I hope to have the confidence to let my dear friend read my blog...soon. For now reading her stories and post on her blog is a good an enriching experience-its a very mature an intelligent mind ( witty,funny,,etc) thats creating these writings/stories/experience. I hope to be able to learn to write as well as she does.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Lets see,why did i choose "somewhere in there...' as the title of this blog of mine ? Its instinctive but not very creative i guess. I needed space to just write and tell someone and or no one actually, of what is in me. There are times when you feel the need to tell someone how you feel and think, its more like to talking to yourself actually,but maybe hoping that theres someone out there who would understand or are in similiar situations. E-mail would be a good option but sometimes friends are too busy or not interested or you feel vunarable to expose whats in you to others who know you. Im not even sure what im writing make sense but who cares right...
Anyway I just want to write something about what happen yesterday-i tried to create this very blog but somehow made some mistakes and walla ! the whole page that i wrote was gone,but its ok worse thing have happen before. And since this time around i have manage to write i hope to be able to start a good relationship with this blog of mine.
I was in Kelantan yesterday to attend a meeting and its been years since ive been in that state. Contrary to popular believe the people in Kelantan are not strarving nor are they just waiting to have a revolution. I find KB a nice town which seems to thriving economically-theres construction going on, the streets are busy wth people doing their daily chores and things seems normal enough. Although i was there for only half a day and that too half the time in a conference room. The discussion that i had with the people there is a better indication of the situation in Kelantan. They are optimistic,speak well both in BM and English-of course with a slight slang...
Ive got to go for another meeting and i hope this wont be the first and last time for me in this blog of mine cause there a lot more somewhere in there...ta !